Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

Tugas Softskill Bulan Ke-4

Exercise 38 Page 138

1. The last record who was produced by this
company became a gold record.
2. Checking accounts which require a minimum
balance are very common now.
3. The professor which you spoke yesterday is
not here today.
4. John grades who are the highest in the school
has received a scholarship.
5. Felipe bought a camera that has three lenses.
6. Frank is the man whose we are going to
nominate for the office of treasure .
7. The doctor is with a patient whose leg was
broken in an accident.
8. Jane is a woman who is going to china next
9. Janet wants a typewriter which self corrects.
10. This book that i found last week contains
some useful information.
11. Mr Bryant whose team has lost the game
looks very sad.
12. James wrote an article which indicated that
he disliked the president.
14. This is the book that i have been looking for
this book all year.
15. William brother who is a lawyer wants to
become a judge.

Exercise 39 Page 139

1. George is the man chosen to represent the
committe at the convention.
2. All of the money accepted has already been
3. The papers on the table belong to Patricia
4. The man brought to the police station
confessed to the crime.
5. The girl drinking coffee is Mary Allen
6. Johns wife a professor has written several
pepers on this subjects.
7. The man talking to the policeman in my
8. The book on the top shelf is the one tha i
9. The number of students counted is quite
10. Leo Evans, a doctor eats in this restaurant

Relative Pronouns

RELATIVE PRONOUNS (Kata Ganti sebagai penghubung dlm Kalimat Majemuk), adalah kata yang digunakan untuk mengganti pronoun dalam kalimat majemuk. Kata yang digunakan biasanya adalah:

1. Who (yang), dipakai untuk mengganti pronoun orang sebagai subjek.

Aji came to my home. He won the Mathematics contest.
(Aji datang ke rumahku. Ia menang lomba Matematika)
He=subjek, won=predikat, the Mathematics contest=Objek
= Aji who won the Mathematics contest came to my home.
(Aji yang menang lomba Matematika itu datang ke rumahku)
Pada 2 kalimat yg dicetak tebal di atas, yang merupakan pronoun adalah "he" (kalimat 2) karena "he"
merujuk pada kata Aji (laki-laki), posisi "he" adalah sebagai subjek kalimat ke 2.  Maka kata "he"diganti
dg "Who" dan ditulis setelah "Aji". Lihat hasilnya di atas.

2. Whom (yang), dipakai untuk mengganti pronoun orang sebagai objek.
The boy flies a kite. I call him.
Anak itu menerbangkan layang-layang. Saya memanggilnya)
I=subjek, call=predikat,  him =objek
=The boy whom I call flies a kite
(anak yang saya panggil itu menerbangkan layang-layang)
Pronoun (kata ganti yang sama di kedua kalimat itu adalah "him" dengan "the boy"). Sedangkan
kedudukan "him" adalah sebagai objek, jadi relative-nya menggunakan "whom". Karena kata"him" sama
dengan "the boy", maka penulisan "whom" nya juga setelah "the boy. Lihat contoh di atas.

3. Which (yang), dipakai untuk mengganti pronoun selain orang sebagai subjek atau objek.

Contoh dalam kalimat:
The colored pencils are very beautiful. They are expensive.
(Pensil warna itu bagus sekali. harganya mahal)
They=subjek,  are=predikat,  expensive=komplemen
=T he colored pencils which are expensive are very beautiful.
(Pensil warna yang mahal itu bagus sekali)

Contoh lain:
Amir hit the dog. It was barking a lot.
(Amir memukul anjing itu. Ia menggonggong terus)
It=subjek, was barking a lot=predikat.
=Amir hit the dog which was barking a lot. (Amir memukul anjing yang menggonggong terus)

4. Whose (yang ...nya),  dipakai untuk mengganti possessive pronoun (kata    ganti kepunyaan).

Contoh dalam kalimat:
The baby is crying. Its mother is sick.
(Bayi itu sedang mengis. Ibunya sakit)
Its=pronoun kepunyaan,  mother=benda kepunyaannya. "Its" merujuk pada "the baby"
Maka penulisan relative "whose" nya ada;ah setelah "the baby".
= The baby whose mother is sick is crying.
(Bayi yang ibunya sakit itu sedang menangis)

5. That (yang), dipakai untuk mengganti pronoun orang atau benda (who, whom, which).

Aji who won the Mathematics contest came to my home.
=Aji that won the Mathematics contest came to my home.
The boy whom I call flies a kite
=The boy that I call flies a kite
The colored pencils which are expensive are very beautiful. The colored pencils that are expensive are
very beautiful.

Sumber: http://nonobahasainggris-smp.blogspot.com/2011/10/relative-pronouns-kata-ganti-sebagai.html?m=1